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Rise Sister Rise
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Praise for Rise Sister Rise
‘Rise Sister Rise is an incantation, an initiation, an invocation for you to remember the truth of who you are. Always, and in all circumstances, and especially right now. It’s a potent mix of divine feminine history, spiritual memoir, incandescent poetry, and powerful mantras which will inspire you to unbind the magic within you. And it illuminates the sacred chant that’s always resounding within the soul, both for ourself and for every woman we encounter: Rise Sister Rise!’
‘Rebecca is a ray of light, a refreshing soul. Her gift is evident. She is a role model for women, guiding us to embrace our power and awaken our authentic selves.’
‘Rebecca Campbell is a grounded devotional spiritual teacher and messenger here to awaken and call in a new age. Her book Rise Sister Rise is a call to arms for women to remember their intuitive nature, unleash their potent power, and lead from the feminine.’
‘Rebecca Campbell is a modern-day High Priestess led by the Divine. I’ve never in my life met anyone who shines like she does. She has cultivated a sacred sisterhood where she holds the space for women to step into their ancient Goddess power now.’
‘Rebecca and everything she shares is poetic, light-laden, and soul fuelled. She’s a beacon and a heart-led guide for all who know that it is our time to rise.’
‘Rise Sister Rise is a perfectly timed divine love letter written straight from Rebecca’s deep, wide heart and delivered to today’s female mystics through her kind, truthful and authentic voice. It is my honor to tread this path with Rebecca as my friend, sister and co-mystic, and I’m so happy for you that you hold this jewel in your hands right now. Take a breath, make yourself a cup of tea, and dive in to these words and the space they will create in your heart.’
‘I’m a super-fan of Rebecca Campbell… Rebecca guides her reader to step into their authentic power so that they can live and lead at their highest potential.’
‘In my view Rebecca Campbell is the new era of leading-edge authors who empower women, and she will be recalled in a league with greats such as Erica Jong and Maya Angelou. Rise Sister Rise will be a well-loved bible on our book shelves 100 years from now.’
‘Each new generation needs a new inspirational voice, and Rebecca Campbell is that voice. I just love witnessing a new, young talent about to unleash a storm that will change the way we think about our personal empowerment and spirituality.’
‘Rebecca Campbell is a powerhouse lovingly pushing us into the next paradigm of love and healing. She’s a force of femininity calling forth the truth, the power, the light, and the voice of all women who come in contact with her. Rise Sister Rise is sure to light that inner fire to change themselves, and by that act the world, through the women who open its magic pages. Blessings to Rebecca for her light on the planet in this perilous time. Jai Ma.’
‘Rebecca is a vibrant and authentic voice in the emerging self-empowerment landscape, and effortlessly marries the numinous call of the soul with real-life wisdom for women on the rise.’
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Text © Rebecca Campbell, 2016
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ISBN 978-1-78180-733-0 in print
ISBN 978-1-78180-777-4 in Kindle format
ISBN 978-1-78180-776-7 in ePub format
TO ANGELA WOOD (1947–2016),
I Want You to Know
It’s Happening
Tools for Your Rising
Part I – My Story
The Unbinding
The Wise Women
Work Baby
Shakti Rising
Imramma: British Isles
Making It in a Man’s World
Imramma: Petra
Imramma: Wadi Rum
The Crumbling
Shakti Rising II
Imramma: Santa Fe
Freeing My Voice
No Longer Sustainable
Returning to Avalon
Merlin’s Cave
White Springs Ritual
Healing the Female Line
The Chain
Part II – Birthing A New Age
We Were Made for These Times
Shakti Always Rises
The Holy Grail Is Within You
The Mystery of Woman
When One Woman Heals
A New Paradigm of Change
The Never-ending Process of Rising
Transformation and Recalibration
Of All That Falls and Rises and Rises and Falls
Shattering to Set Yourself Free
A New Matrix
With Every New Breath
iming Herstory, and the Shadow of Patriarchy
A Prayer for Her Rising
Balancing the Masculine and Feminine in You
Goodbye to the Good Girl
Let’s Burn the Archetypes
You Don’t Get to Say Who I Am
Own Who You Are
Embracing Your ‘Too Much’
It’s OK to Soften
Divine Mother
Old Identities and What’s No Longer Sustainable
Grandmother Moon
Part III – Remembering Our Cyclic Nature
You Are Spirit Earthed
You’ll Find Your True Nature in Nature
When Whispers Turn into Shouts
Whispers from Mother Earth
Your Relationship with the Seasons
Honoring Your Inner Rhythm
The Mystery of She
Your Monthly Cycle as Your Teacher
The Four Stages of Womanhood and Unlocking the Power of Your Period
Being Human Is Hard
It’s Your Humanness That Inspires Me
Pray into the Anxiety
Pleasure Not Pressure
Mother Earth Is Busy Weaving the Threads of Your Life
Leading from the Feminine
A Life’s Work, Not a Season
Filling Up Your Well
Healing the Mother Line
Breaking the Chain
The Importance of Ritual
Journeying to Sacred Places
Part IV – Unbinding the Wise, Wild Woman
The Suppression of the Female Voice
The Mystic Always Rises
Finding Mary
The Return of the Magdalenes
Unbound, Unbound, Forever Unbound
Spiritual Closets
Reclaiming ‘Witch’ (The Natural Witch)
Healers, We Need You
Set Your Soul’s Voice Free
Ritual: Releasing Vows of Silence and Calling Back Your Power
Soul Stories
Past Lives and Unshackling Your Soul
You Can Be Scared and Still Be Safe
Let Shakti Sing You (The Power of Chanting)
The Most Powerful Sound Current
Tell the Truth About Your Life
Your Life Is Your Message
What Is Yours to Do?
You Are Boundless
Untangle Yourself
The Unclaimed Shadow
We Have a Lot to Be Angry About
Divine Mother Durga Ma
Channeling Your Inner Kali
Control Freak Tendencies
Dark Mother Kali Ma
All of Your Feelings Are Holy
How Do Your Subtle Bodies Most Like to Move?
Letting Shakti Dance You
Choosing to Be Here Now
I Got Body
You Do Not Get to Determine My Worth
Ritual: Calling Back Your Power
Part V – Redefining Sisterhood
The Reunion
The Ones Who Came Before Us
When Women Circle
Your Constellation of Sisters
Calling in Your Sisters
Genuine Sisterhood
Can You Hold Space for Another?
The New Form of Persecution
Is She Mad at Me?
Who Triggers You?
Why Jealousy Is a Good Thing
There Is No Competition
Raise Them Up Don’t Cut Them Down
Don’t Put Another on a Pedestal
Acknowledge Your Sisters
Your Inner Circle
Your Support Team
The Women Who Came Before You
We Are the Marguerites, the Magdalenes, and the Crones
Part VI – Doing the Work
What Is Rising in You?
Rising Feminine Archetypes
New World Rising Birthed by You
Let the Universe Use You
Be a Clear Channel
A Prayer for Times of Remembering
It’s Not Your Job to Save the World
The Age of the Struggling Artist and Healer Is Over
You Can’t Buy Devotion
The Creative Process Is an Act of Faith
Keeping Your Work and Creations Potent
Create What Is Yours to Create
Self-care Before Service (No More Wounded Healers)
Beloved Mother Mary
Be OK with Where You Are
Create for You and You Alone
Don’t Believe Your Own PR
You Don’t Need Saving
Lightworkers Gotta Work
Unfollow and Lead
Don’t Look Behind You
What Would Make the Best Chapter?
Ritual: Plant Your Prayers
You Have Been Called
Being the Change Before It Is the Norm
The Initiation
Rise Sister Rise
Keep on Rising
About the Author
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This is not a book about women rising over men. This is a book of remembering a time when every woman was seen as sacred. And the divine feminine returning and rising just as She should. We are being called to bring about a balance between the feminine and masculine energies. Within ourselves and in our world at large. Both are sacred and needed. In order for this to happen, the sacred feminine that has been dormant and at times suppressed, needs to continue to rise. And She is rising. Can you feel Her?
I am aware that many reading this book are women and thus, for ease, I will be addressing women (She, Her). However, I want to stress that the rising feminine is not something that exists only within women, but rather it is within all things and people. As I talk about the importance of sisterhood, I too see the importance of brotherhood, the sacred masculine and the men who are great protectors, supporters, and lovers of the divine feminine, and her work in the world. I trust that there is an amazing guy writing that book in unison.
Throughout this book, you’ll find references to Mother Earth, She, Her, Life, Source, God, Goddess, Father, Mother, Great Mother, Father/Mother God, Beloved and the Universe. This is my humble attempt to put a name to the great mysteries and indescribable forces of our world and beyond, which is truly an impossible feat. If these words don’t resonate with you, please trade them for your own.
You’ll also find much reference to ‘patriarchy.’ That word, like ‘feminism,’ is so loaded. When I mention patriarchy it is to refer to the past few millennia, when society was led by a powerful few in a very linear way. An era when the sacred nature, power, and wisdom of the feminine was forgotten, controlled, silenced, or caged. When our connection to Mother Earth was severed. It is important not to see ‘patriarchy’ as the other. As we are making the shift from one age into the next, we must recognize that we have grown up in these patriarchal times and thus it is less about damning man and more about freeing and unchaining ourselves together.
While we are beginning to come out of this patriarchal age (referred to by some as the Piscean Age), I don’t believe that the solution is for matriarchal energies to take its place. Rather, this book is an invitation for the intuitive, compassionate, wise, powerful, sacred, protective, fierce feminine force that exists within each of us to rise, and for the sacred masculine to protect and support Her rising and sacred work so that the planet can swing back into balance. The very fact that you have this book in your hands is proof that it is already happening.
You can read these pages in one sitting, one chapter a day, or pick a page at random for your instant hit of guidance (like an oracle deck). I recommend reading with a pen and notebook handy to capture the soul whispers that come to you, as you turn the pages. At the end of many of the chapters you will find Rise Sister Rise inquiry prompts. Do not underestimate the power of answering them. You have an ancient wisdom within you that is waiting for you to rememb
er, hear, and heed it. These Rise Sister Rise calls to action have been carefully designed to assist you in reclaiming your voice, unbinding your power, unlocking your wisdom, unleashing your true nature, and aligning yourselves with the sacred flow of all of Life. Give them the weight that they deserve, they are your roadmap for rising.
I honor you for showing up to do this work at this time in Her story. As we gather we open the gates of healing in the collective consciousness. May it be felt by all. I believe in you, us and all of this.
Rise Sister Rise.
Rise Sister Rise is a call to action for what is awakening within so many of us. An ancient remembering, dormant for centuries, which is more than beginning to stir. A conscious effort to end the persecution that we have inherited from patriarchy and been inflicting on each other.
It’s time to awaken a new era of
sisterhood on the planet.
One in which we bring back the balance of the sacred feminine and sacred masculine. One where we reconnect with Mother Earth, Mother God, the rhythm of the Earth, and our own natural rhythms. One where we draw our worth from deep within rather than letting the world decide it for us. One where we lead from the intelligent intuitive heart, know who we are with conviction, and live our lives in complete alignment and service to that. One where we realize that the only way to heal the world around us is by first healing ourselves. One where we heal the trauma we have inflicted on ourselves and our fellow sisters. One where we heal the patriarchy around us, as well as the patriarchy that resides within. One where we raise each other up rather than cutting each other down.
Rise Sister Rise.
My vision for Rise Sister Rise has always been more than just these pages. Below are some ways you can deepen your experience and connect with other rising sisters.
Get over to www.risesisterrise.com for meditations, journeys, and tools mentioned throughout the book.
Share the light while you read using #RiseSisterRise (I’m @rebeccathoughts)
Rise Sister Rise Spotify Soundtrack